Call for Abstracts for the InPart Panel at EASST 2022 Conference
Jan 6, 2022

The project’s panel titled ‘‘Unseen participation? When the uninvited shape matters of collective concern’' was accepted to be a part of EASST 2022 conference ‘‘Politics of technoscientific futures’' that is to be held in Madrid 2022, 6-9 July.
We invite everyone interested to explore together the situations when public participation is discouraged, met with hostility or is not recognised as participation and what happens in such situations. What are the hidden, mundane, non-heroic practices that, nonetheless, feed into maintaining, transforming, or disrupting governance arrangements? How to understand and conceptualise them?
Check out the full description of the panel here. To apply for participation in the panel, follow the guidelines on the conference website. The deadline for applications is 2022, February, 1st.